Sunday, February 17, 2008


In these images I was seeking to display an element of physical captivity.


J Short said...

These pictures are really awesome. They remind me of a play I read once. It was called "Extremities" by William Mastrosimone. It's really good. It's about this guy who tries to break into a house and rape this woman, but she ends up messing him up big time and tieing him up and beating him in the fire place. It's a really good play and your pictures just made me think of it so if you ever need some literature inspiration for your awesome photography, give it a look!

Charith Norvelle said...

These are great. very creative use of your resources for the lighting. i like the first one best, the composition is great. The second one may be just slightly blown out... his shoulder and his shirt start to look the same because of the exposure. (but you can only see that when the photo is blown up really big)

R.E.BEL. said...

I like these too, I appreciate that there is nothing in the background, it makes you wonder why he is captivated... I believe it lets the mind wander further. I would like to see one with a red light, that sounded interesting!

Anita Opazo said...

Your "film eye" continues to show in your still photos. Glad you are addressing deep and meaningful themes. I would love to see more that shows the captivity beyond the tape over the mouth...hands/feet tied or rope around his waist... What if you sprayed water on his face to look like sweat and really emphasized the suffering of it?

Kory lynn said...

I really like the shots of the guy in captivity. I am wondering if you did those in a studio or how you got the light for it with the background completely black.